
With Guriosity, I want to encourage tech teams to share their learnings and make sure they are read by you.


Hello! I am Ari. I've worked for 3 startups in Paris as a Data Engineer. The first didn’t have an engineering blog. The second had one, but I never took the courage to write. The third didn’t consider it a priority.

Writing technical articles is hard. As a developer, we’re often behind schedule and we’ve little time to transform ourselves into writers. If publishing an article isn’t a priority for your team, it won't be done.

Still, French companies have engineering blogs. And some very good ones!

The problem

French engineering blogs were scattered all over the place and mixed technical and promotional content.

Enter Guriosity

I went through all the French engineering blogs I found and organized them in one site. Here, you’ll only find the best articles written by French tech teams.

I believe that all tech teams have tremendous value to share. With Guriosity, I want to encourage tech teams to share their learnings and make sure they are read by you. Don't miss out on the best articles!

By subscribing, you’ll learn about new technologies, ways of working, stay updated on the French tech market and boost your career.

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